R&D&I: the recipe for success
R&D&I. It seems a rather obscure and tangled up way for what could be considered the path for tomorrow in many fields. Research, Development and Innovation, key ingredients for companies if they want to stay competitive and offer the best customer service. Some even deem it crucial for long-term survival. Eurofrits don´t see anything tangled up in living by it, and takes this matter very seriously.
Our R&D&I Department (aided by the Sales & Marketing teams) work continuously in the quest for new products with value added with which to satisfy a growing market demand and provide the required solutions for our customers.
We keep a strong Customer Focus with complete commitment towards the development of new products and formats, in an agile and efficient way, and always with the best personalised customer service possible.
For these reasons our production is based on state of the art technology, relying on an expert professional team, both in-house and external partners (technicians, nutritionists and top-reknowned chefs).
Another prime area of concern for us is Quality Control and Food Safety, keeping constant standards in order to meet the demanding market exigencies of today. In that regard, Eurofrits is specifically committed to the rejection of genetically modified food (GMO), as well as an efficient management of allergens, and the fulfilment of all the legal requisites, in particular the Food Legislation and the APPCC system during the entire production process.
In sum, Research, Development and Innovation oriented towards the improvement of Quality and Customer Service.
For more info on Eurofrits, click here.