Growth ahead in 2017 for FMCG

We kick off the year with great perspectives along with challenges. 2017 is forecasted as a year of consolidation of an upward trend in Fast Moving Consumer Goods in our country, with a 2,2% rise compared to previous year. This is one of the key conclusions of the report “FMCG perspectives for 2017”, published by Nielsen and presented at the AECOC Symposium in Barcelona.

The first reason for this new outlook is a “much more optimistic” socioeconomic environment, illustrated by an increase in the consumer confidence index of up to 77% (vs 50% in 2012). In fact it represents an 8-year peak, and at the same time it gives our country the lead in FMCG growth in Europe.

According to this report, the growth is taking place mostly in terms of volume, given that the population mass has remained stable, “therefore the causes are internal demand taking off and the strong push of tourism, as Gustavo Núñez, Nielsen´s General Manager for Spain and Portugal, pointed out.

This year, as the AECOC notes, the growth in canned goods has risen 2,2% in volume and 0,3% in value, while fresh products have grown 0,5% in volume and 1,8% in value.

Trends lead one to think there is an increasing concern for buyers when it comes to health and their families´, given that 86% of consumers make an effort to buy healthy food options. In general, 45% of Spaniards purchase more natural products from shelves –colorant-free, low-fat, without artificial flavourings, sugar- free, organic, etc. – and 46% admits to be willing to pay more for food without undesired ingredients.

For more info about this report, click HERE.

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