Porductos Eurofrits para veggies

The “veggie” tide: an unstoppable market

In recent years, vegetarianism has gone from being the choice of a few to becoming an upward trend in our country. More and more Spanish consumers are opting for meat-free diets, creating a market with significant economic potential. For them, for the “veggies”, our catalog has a wide range of Vegetable Specialties.

According to The Green Revolution report, drafted by the Lantern consultancy firm, the “veggie” market is worth around 4,000 million dollars yearly on global level and grows at a rate of 6% per year. In Spain, the businesses engaged in this type of food doubled in just 5 years, reaching 800 commercial establishments in 2016.

This growth is due to the increase in Spaniards totally excluding or reducing the consumption of meat. According to the Lantern study, almost 8% of those over the age of 18 are on a vegetarian diet in whatever form.

Reasons to go for this type of food? In accordance with the aforementioned report, in most cases (almost 60%) based on ethical or animal defense grounds, followed by those related to sustainability (21%) and health (17%).

For this type of consumer, Eurofrits offers a wide range of Specialties. From Fries & Potato Specialties, with more than 30 versions of frozen products under different cuts and formats, to different Specialties such as vegetable fingers, made of potato, corn, pea and carrot and coated with crispy breadcrumbs, or the onion rings both breaded and beer battered.

For those veggies that do not want to give up a “hamburger” we have launched our vegetable burger, made of mashed potatoes, onions, carrots, corn, peas and broccoli.

Many products to meet such unstoppable tide, the Veggie tide.


For more information about The Green Revolution Report, click HERE.

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